Meteors - Minga Syska - 444 Prophecy News
Meteors April 25 2020 9:27 AM Minga Syska The night before last as I was finishing up my prayers the Lord gave me a quick vision shot of being in space and seeing a whole bunch of rocks (meteors) of the different colors and shapes, moving in unison. He als
밍가 시스카-APRIL 25 2020 9:27 AM
전날 밤 내가 기도를 마치면서 주님께서 우주에 있는 것을 재빨리 나에게 환상으로 보여 주셨다
그리고 다른 색깔과 모양을 가진 바위들(유성들)을 보았다
그리고 일제히 움직이고 있었다
그는 또한 이것들이 땅에 떨어질 준비를 하고 있다고 내 영혼에 말씀해 주셨다
그 다음 환상은 끝났다.
APRIL 25 2020 9:27 AM - MINGA SYSKA
The night before last as I was finishing up my prayers the Lord gave me a
quick vision shot of being in space and seeing a whole bunch of rocks (meteors)
of the different colors and shapes, moving in unison. He also put in my spirits
that these were getting ready to fall on the earth. Then the vision ended.

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